All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, and to prayer. ..They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity— …all the while praising God …and each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. Acts 2: 42,46,47
Children's Ministry
Jamie Solis & Jazel Thompson
Our children's ministry is dedicated to growing our children Up in Christ, DOWN in the Word, IN to one another, and OUT to the World. We want our children to know Christ and love Him with all their heart, to know and love His Word, the Bible, and use it to grow in their faith, to know and love one another and express that love through kindness and serving, and to know and love all the people of the world and be equipped to share their faith in Christ.
Worship Ministry
Jeff and Cathy Heckenlively
Worship through song and music is a major component of expressing our love and devotion to God and connecting to Him. It's no coincidence God put 150 songs and poems in the Book of Psalms to help us do just that. The goal of our worship ministry is to create an atmosphere of praise and worship that lifts people above their burdens and gives them the freedom to express their love and devotion to their Savior.
Missions Ministry
Cathy Heckenlively, Melinda Zavala, Joe Garza
The final phase of our mission is to grow people OUT to the world. When it comes to missions, to grow is to GO! Our mission’s ministry has two main goals. FIrst, to connect, support, and send our fellowship of believers into our local communities to meet needs and share the love and Gospel of Christ. To go and glow! To be the light of Jesus. The second goal is by serving and supporting missionaries who have dedicated their lives to people groups all around the world.
Discipleship Home Groups
Growing up in Christ is often best expressed and realized in the context of a small group of believers who love and trust one another. Our Discipleship Home Groups meet in homes throughout the greater Austin area. They are generally 6-8 weeks in length and vary by topic, age group or ministry focus. They are really the best way to connect and become a part of the family.
Teaching Ministry
The CWC teaching ministry offers a weekly adult Sunday School class before the morning worship service. Every Wednesday night PastorMatt, a teacher by training and trade, also offers an engaging classroom teaching environment.